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Name : Santalum album, S. citrinum, S. lanceolatum

Parts used: heartwood

Comedogenic scale: n/a

Therapeutic Properties:

sandalwood oil.jpg
  • anti-inflammatory

  • antiviral

  • anti-aging

  • astringent

  • expectorant

  • emollient

  • antispasmodic

  • tonic


  • Protects wounds

  • Treats inflammation by cooling

  • Relaxes nerves, muscles, & blood vessels

  • Strengthens gums & muscles

  • Soothes skin

  • Treats urinary system inflammation

  • Cures infections

  • Lowers blood pressure

  • Improves memory & concentration

  • Treats dandruff

  • Restores damaged skin cells

  • Promotes skin glow and radiance

  • Promotes hair growth



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